Disconnect from technology? – Can I do it?

No Touch? Ugh!!

Since I wrote: Mark Zuckerberg did what?  yesterday, I’ve been thinking about the affects of social media on my life.  I’m haunted by my own quote found in that post : “social media has been kind of a shallow pastime for me”.  For the most part I kind of believe that to be true.

But today I read a fellow blogger’s post:  Project Unplugged: Can you disconnect from technology?  She plans on disconnecting from technology from 6:00pm until bedtime. Just the thought, is giving me shakes of withdrawal. Hmm… Refresh my memory, what are the signs of addiction?  I think I already hit denial with the previous quote, and now I have anxiety just tinkering with the idea of severing social media communication.

It seems it might be time for my own technology cleanse. So I’m joining in tonight at 6:00pm as well. To be quite honest, I don’t know if I can make it. So to all my Facebook friends – All your interesting status messages must be posted before 6, after that time, you may resume with boring pics of your food.   And here’s a nudge to all my “Draw Free” fellows – get to drawing people!  I want to get in as much drawing game time before my cut off.  😉

Wish me luck folks.  If anyone wants to join us, let us know how it goes.

via Project Unplugged: Can you disconnect from technology?.

About Jenny Bagwill

You know those milestone moments in your life where the course you were going completely jolts you into reevaluating all you think or believe? Mine came in 2010 along with a precious baby girl. My healthy pregnancy, produced a baby with many internal defects unveiling themselves after birth like a stack of falling dominos. We lost track of her surgery count once we hit double digits. By the grace of God, our little fighter has survived an open heart surgery as well as a liver transplant along with a myriad of tests, blood work, and medical visits. She’s doing quite well, and we share her journey here: http://www.lilsophie.wordpress.com I hope you take the time to read about our girlie and possibly leave a word of encouragement. My milestone moment (that has continued over the last 2 years), presented many idle hospital hours where I used my time to make hair clips for our little girl who battled to live. It also crossed my path with numerous families in many heartbreaking situations. This is when I decided to use my creativity to do what I can to help others. I try to use my God-given talents to encourage and inspire others which you’ll see me blog about here. I also make a lot of custom pieces to raise awareness of illnesses, syndromes, and diseases that may hit close to home with you. As you’ll see my pieces often contain encouraging words – things hard to say to others in the midst of their dark place. You can view, shop, or place a custom order at here at my JeWeL 4U Etsy Shop - http://www.etsy.com/shop/jewel4u And because our Lil’Sophie has had a liver transplant I always encourage others to consider registering to give the gift of life: http://www.organdonor.gov View all posts by Jenny Bagwill

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